Monday, October 24, 2016


Inspired by Cleopatra jewelries and Ancient Egypt. Made from mini duo, tila and miyuki seed beads 15/0  with so much pleasure:

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The mystic door

An unusual wedding order:I was asked to make an A4 sized folder for a vaucher for wedding trip to ... Morocco. The bride's favourite flowers are orchids - that was all I knew. Considering the fact that Morocco is one of my favourite countries I have been to, I decided to make something typical - a door, which can be seen everywhere in the palaces as well as in the Medina of the cities. In my opinion, it is a symbol of the oriental mysticism especially when combined with the smell of spices. The door was inspired  by the Hassan II mosque in Casablanca. While I was looking for orchids images, I found out that the vanilla spice actually comes from a special kind of orchid and everything came to its place. So this is how this vision has come to my mind.

Една необичайна поръчка за сватба: трябваше да е папка А4, за да сложат в нея ваучери за сватбено пътешествие до ... Мароко. Любимите цветя на булката са орхидеи - общо взето с тази информация разполагах. И понеже Мароко е една от любимите ми държави, които съм посетила, реших да направя една от типичните марокански порти, които се срещат и в дворците и в Медината на градовете, и които олицетворяват мистиката на Ориента с аромат на подправки. Вратата е инспирирана от джамията Хасан ІІ в Касабланка. Докато ровех за снимки на орхидеи открих, че ванилията всъщност се добива от вид орхидея и всичко си дойде на мястото. Така се роди тази визия:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Honey and chocolate

Instead of a Blessing...
This card is made for a baby christening. I wanted to say: Let her life be blessedby the Heaven. let her life be so sweet as honey and chcolate are.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Wedding heart box

I decided to make a box with scrolls in it instead a wedding card, because they can use the box even after the wedding to keep pictures, jewelries  and it will remain long after the wedding.

Friday, July 15, 2016

The door to Wonderland

Трябваше да направя картичка за сватба с джоб за пари. Реших да не е съвсем стандартна - идеята ми беше да изглежда приказна като врата към ново начало, към нов живот.
Вътре пише: Честито! Нека вратата, която отваряте днес,  Ви отведе в прекрасния свят на любовта и разбирателството! Запазете магията на днешния ден в сърцата си и помнете това, което Ви е събрало ЗАЕДНО!

I made a card with money pocket inside. I decided to make it different - the idea was to look like fairy tale one as a door to new begining, to new life. Inside is written: Let the door you open today brings you in the wonderful world of love and compation! Keep in your hearts the magic of today and remember what has got you together!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Generosity is a gift you made for yourself

Реших да се включа в играта на картичкофуриите "Щедростта е подарък, който правиш на самия себе си"  и направих ей това за моето до този момент непознато сюрпризче:
I decided to take part in game "Generosity is a gift you made for yourself". So I made this card and the bracelet for my unknown till this moment "surprise".

 Съчетах двете си хобита. Исках картичката да изглежда старинна, нещо като от сънищата ...
I used my two hobbies to surprise and ... to smile somebody I didn't know till this moment. I wished the card to look like an old one - travelled through the time and Dreams ...

Friday, June 10, 2016

Love ... the music of life

Well, I didn't quill for  a long lime. So finally I made something - a wedding card with money envelope inside.
The card theme is: Love ... the music of life - that's why I made a staff with flowers instead musical notes.
I hope you will like it.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Black sun

Black sun- jewelry pendant 

6 cm diameter. It is made from miyuki delica black 11/0, miyuki round rocailles 15/0 black,white and metalic antique gold. The stone in the middle is white agate.Agate is the stone everyone should have for protection. It is one of the oldest stones in recorded history.Agates attract strength. Agate is a protection from bad dreams. It also protects from stress and energy drains.

The white color has purification vibrations and can be used to clear blocks from your path.