Thursday, January 23, 2014

Taj Mahal ... the pieces of my heart...

Taj Mahal, ....  & Desert rose 

This  is not a project. It is a story how Dreams don't come true.
These are the pieces of my heart. Every pearl is a tear, every swirl is a memory..... 
"It doesn't matter how many things we have in life,but who we have...
Because money can't buy everything...
For the most important things in life we pay with the pieces of our soul...."

 There is love, which you just wait for the days, months, weeks and years, and it does not come and do not come doomed non- existence.
There is love, which fluctuate whether to pass the threshold of the present and sometimes makes it simple, and another time remains in the future.... very often forever.
There is however, such a love, which will happen whether or not, changes minds, collapses walls, does a miracle after miracle.
This love sometimes  hurts to the core, and sometimes takes your breath of so much happiness, sometimes  leads you, sometimes is blind, sometimes  kills you to revive you  again or to destroy you forever. You can't create  such love, you can't search for it, or  just ignore it. You can't miss it passing through you unnoticed. When it happened u know somehow that it is SHE... you know your  life goes in a new path... you know that nothing will be as  know that even you won't be  exactly the same anymore.
This is true love – the one that remains even when it is gone one day - remains in some of the crevices of the heart and reminds you with its  melancholy rheumatism. It remains in your look and eye moisture... it  remains in dreams and memories - it  remains in the past and in the future ... only true love has that ability to remain ...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bottle - decoupage&quilling

Well this is my first attempt to make decoupage. I m not sure if it is good or not but I wanted to try. The bottle of wine is a present for a friend :)

Това е първия ми опит с декупажа и не съм сигурна дали се получи, но исках да опитам. Бутилката с червено вино е подарък за мой приятел. На етикета отпред е изписано:

Човек е богат със своята ЦЕЛ,
богат е със своя собствен дял
но не с това, което е взел,
богат е с това, което е ДАЛ!
За своите буйно изживени години
 ти не тъжи, а още толкова напред
с дух и устрем ПРОДЪЛЖИ!

Любов горчива нека те опива ...

Front and back side

The bottle& the greeting card

Monday, January 13, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

Quilling all colors

Heart on fire

Spring beauty

Because ... I love U...

Simply Lotos beauty

Just fantasy


Turquoise rhapsody

Heart on flowers